Cars double parked, fines can go up to €1500: they make you pay for the damage caused

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Double parking the car is a habit common to all, even if we all know that it is a crime. No one is willing to break the law in any way but when it comes to double parking, we are all willing.

Double row cars
Cars in double

It is thought to be a minor mistake, in reality by parking the car where it cannot and must not remain, even serious traffic problems are created, especially at certain times of the day. Leaving the car where it comes first or where it comes best or most comfortable is certainly not the ideal solution even if and when you are in a hurry.

There are too many cars on the road especially at peak times, the situation is obviously different than 50 years ago. In fact, now the system easily goes haywire, a car parked in a double row is enough to create real chaos.


All of this is the result of an inadequate system. The public transport system is either ineffective or insufficient, so all motorists they have taken over the habit of parking in double rows which, however, can no longer be accepted, but must be tackled and resolved. Apparently the blue lines, the white lines and not even the controlled paid parking spaces are not enough.

Who has taken over the habit of parking randomly now it does regardless. People stop in the second row to buy cigarettes, to pick up their children from school or to buy bread, but sometimes they get lost in chatter, so the cars get stuck, blocked by another vehicle and they contact the police. The fine is variable but certainly not insignificant.


Atm, here’s what the company thought it best to do to solve the problem

To try to fix the problem ATM intervenes, or the company that deals with the management of public transport in Milan. To put an end to wild parking that causes traffic delays, which are a real problem in a big city, the company has established that the fine for double parked cars ranges from €90 to €1500.

The figure certainly reminds us of the punishment for violating another much more serious rule. We are talking about the violation of article 187 of the Highway Code. The article in question refers to those who start driving under the influence of drugs. In this case there is a fine of €1500 plus imprisonment ranging from six months to one year.

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The article Cars in double row, fines can go up to €1500: they make you pay for the damage caused comes from Motori News.