the fine is a beating

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The highway code is a set of laws that must be respected, if you don’t want to run the risk of causing accidents, getting fined or having points deducted from your license. In the fast lane, in particular, you have to pay attention to every little maneuver, because wrong behavior causes dangerous infringements, which can have administrative and criminal consequences of a certain weight.

Fast lane
Fast lane –

Thousands of drivers traveling in a hurry or distractedengage in risky behavior which they don’t even notice. Especially in the fast lane and therefore on the motorways, you see everything.

Every day we see scenes of risky overtaking, carried out where it could not be done, or at the wrong time, for example when the lane is already occupied by other vehicles. People who realize stepping too hard on the accelerator and being in the vicinity of speed cameras, it slows down significantly, risking causing a chain accident. And much more.

What is the fast lane for and how it should be used

The fast lane exists because it favors short overtaking that is, those necessary, so if it is occupied for several meters or for km, for no reason, you risk devastating consequences. The main rule is occupy the fast lane only if and when needed, for a few seconds or for those that allow you to overtake slow vehicles and speed up the race. If after having finished overtaking you remain stationary occupying the lane, it is good to know that you are committing a crime.

This is what the regulations stipulate in matters of safety and traffic. Unfortunately there are many motorists who on the motorway do not use the right-hand lane, or the central one but always remain in the overtaking one, even when the one on their right is totally free. This is an irresponsible choice, causing accidents and slowdowns.

Read More:  €173 fine if you make this driving mistake, you do it every morning before going to work
Upstairs lane
Fast lane on the motorway – Motori.News

Strictly necessary, here’s what changes and what you risk in the event of an infringement

This is why a tightening was necessary, therefore more checks and ever heavier fines. For this infraction the fines range from 40 to 168 euros, if instead you are caught on the emergency lane which must always remain free, even in the event of an accident, you risk being caught a fine ranging from €81 to €326.

Same thing if you try to pass on the right and not left in the designated lane. If all these infractions are committed by novice drivers, the situation gets worse, the consequences are dramatic.