Petrol and diesel have become the biggest nightmare for all Italian motorists who have witnessed and experienced firsthand a substantial increase in prices, over the past few months, due to both the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.

As a result of rising petrol costsdiesel and any type of fuel in general, many Italian motorists have decided not to use the car to get around and to give up using public transport, thus giving up their independence.
The economic situation in Italy is nothing short of devastating, many families have found themselves with their backs against the wall, forced to choose what to give up to get to the end of the month without much difficulty.
Because the prices of petrol, diesel and natural gas have fallen
These days all consumers will notice that there has been a drop in the prices of all fuels, including petrol. If until now we have witnessed a significant increase, day by day, now the prices have gone down.
This probably happened as a result of the trend in oil which currently has a cost of less than 90 dollars a barrel, it is the lowest level reached for a month and more. The same thing also happens with regard to methane.
The markets are very calm right now fperhaps because they suffer from weak Chinese demand. Among other things, the Italian government has also confirmed the discount on excise duties which will continue from 18 November until 31 December.
So for now we can rest easy. But this peace of mind is likely to last for a short time because on the horizon we can already glimpse some very black clouds that anticipate something very dramatic for all of us consumers.

Updated prices of petrol, diesel, methane. What could happen in the coming weeks, here are the forecasts
Currently updated prices, for petrol and diesel, as of November 18, are as follows. Petrol is on sale in self-service at €1.712 per litre, diesel is €1.831 per litre. As for the served, the prices are very different. Petrol is on sale at €1.856 per litre, LPG at €0.766, diesel at €1.972, natural gas at €2.167.
In a few days the prices will start to rise again as a result of various problems including theentry into force of the embargo on Russian oil. Added to this is the Price CAP established by the G7.
For now, nothing else is known about this, we only know that in the short term the price of petrol and diesel could reach the maximum and that it could also as a consequence also the prohibition on the purchase of fuel.