The car tax is one of the taxes that Italian motorists particularly hate, it seems to be a superfluous tax and has an exaggeratedly high cost.

For these reasons, there are those who do not pay it, especially in this period due to the crisis and those who pay it late preferring to pay a premium.
But here comes some good news about it, apparently there are some who have to do with some categories of motorists who can save money starting now.
Where to pay the car tax and when
The first car tax for new vehicles, cAs we know, it must be paid no later than the last day of the month of enrolment. However, if this should have occurred in the last ten days of the month, the tax can also be paid the following month while remaining in good standing.
With regard to vehicles already circulating, payment must be made during the month following the expiry of the previous fee. Those who buy used cars from dealers must check whether the road tax is valid or must be paid to respect the periodicity and possibly pay it within the month following the expiry.
The car tax can be paid with the ACI online payment service, or in all ACI delegations, in Sermetra agencies, at the post office, online, in all Lottomatica points of sale, in the paper handling agencies. Remember that unlike insurance, the car tax must be paid on all vehicles, even on those that usually remain in the garage, it is a property tax.

Car tax exemption, all the news about it
In the Lazio region some motorists are exempt from paying the car tax or have the option of paying it in half. To be exempt are all vehicles intended for the transport of the disabled, historic vehicles that are more than 30 years old, which are not intended for professional use. The exemption starts automatically, so you don’t have to submit any application nor subscribe to historical registers. But be careful because if the vehicle over thirty is circulating on public roads, you have to pay a flat-rate road tax of €28 for cars and €11 for motorcycles.
As for historic vehicles over twenty years old, they pay much less or the 50% of the amount. All new motor vehicles, mopeds and engines do not have to pay car tax for the first 5 years of life. Cars such as vehicles approved with LPG or gas fuel, methane, on the other hand, they have to pay a quarter of the established car tax. Finally, vehicles with hybrid power in Lazio are exempt from payment of the fee for 3 years.