Important clarification on ZTL fines, it will not be possible to obtain a discount on any multiple penalties: they must all be paid.

The circular 300/STRAD/1/0000028964.U/2022 clarified the functioning of one of the novelties of the Traffic Laws introduced this year with the Infrastructure decreewhich became law last summer.
In fact, it has been foreseen that if the same offense is committed several times while driving, it is possible to receive one discount on the total payablewhich is typically three times the amount of a single fine. This possibility only applies if the infringements were committed within 90 days of the first.
An article published by Il Sole 24 Ore, which contains the circular mentioned at the beginning, specifies however that this novelty, described by article 198-bis of the Highway Code, does not apply in the case of fines taken for illegal entry into Limited Traffic Zonesbetter known as ZTL.
Taking a practical example: if in three months the same infraction has been committed several times in the ZTL area, it will not be possible to pay a single fine tripled three times, but on the contrary it will be necessary to pay them all down to the last cent.
ZTL fines: no discount, if you commit multiple infringements you will have to pay them all
The Ministry technicians, in the circular distributed through Il Sole 24 Ore, clarified that the changes to the Highway Code that allow you to receive a discount in the event of multiple infringements apply exclusively to “technical and administrative conditions“.

The circular makes a further clarification and speaks of the violations for which there is no immediate contestation and do not require the control of one’s vehicle. For the ZTLinstead, a dedicated clarification is literally made.
If the rules governing the management of a Limited Traffic Zone have been violated several times, the discount provided will not be triggered as in other cases: only starting from the fourth consecutive fine onwards, the request can be activated to pay only the tripled amount of a single fine.
Yes, activate the request, because in any case it is not an automatic procedure. In case something like this happens to you, you will first have to request the annulment of all reports received following the first fine.
The speech of the 90 days: if the time is longer between one fine and another, even if they are identical, they will be considered as “first” of a new series.

Basically, freeing ourselves from bureaucracy, for the ZTL the hard fist applies even in the face of a rule that was supposed to serve to lighten the weight of several fines taken consecutively in a short period of time such as 90 days.
If on the one hand we wanted to rebate something in good faith thinking of a distraction or an error on the part of the driver, on the other hand the absolute severity remains for the Limited Traffic Zones. So be careful the next time you spot one.