The price of diesel and petrol will rise again in the coming weeks. The reason is linked to a decision by the Italian government, which is creating a lot of controversy among citizens and in consumer protection associations. What will happen starting next month? Here is everything that was decided in the last meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Gas through the roof, here we go again. After the Government had succeeded in reducing the outlay of Italians with each refueling in recent months, thanks to the sharp cut in excise duties, now the situation could worsen significantly. In fact, starting from December, the Council of Ministers would have taken a decision that was not exactly pleasant for millions of motorists. What’s going to happen?
Immediately after the outbreak of tension between Russia and Ukraine, the cost of fuel – just to list this area – soared dramatically. The Italian government had timely approved a decree on the cut of excise duties, which had allowed a discount of about 30 cents per liter at every petrol and diesel refuelling.
The situation has remained unchanged – thanks to infinite extensions – until today. But what will happen from December 1st? Here’s everything you need to know about the decision taken by the government in the last few hours.

The price of petrol and diesel will start to rise again compared to today, starting from the beginning of December. The reason is linked to the approval of a decree by the Council of Ministers. What is happening? What are the consequences for Italians? That’s why a full tank of petrol will be significantly more expensive.
Expensive fuel: the government’s decision penalizes millions of Italians
The Council of Ministers intends to lower the discount on the excise cut compared to what happened in the last nine months. Nothing will change until November 30, but from December 1, however, there will be a significant increase in petrol and diesel fuel. That’s how much the price of fuel will go up.

The discount, in fact, will not be more than 30.5 cents per litre, but 18.3 cents. In practice, compared to today, the price per liter of diesel and petrol will rise by more than 12 cents. The move was explained in these terms:
“The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the President Giorgia Meloni and the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, has approved a decree-law which introduces urgent measures regarding excise duties and VAT on fuel and support for local authorities and the Marche territories hit by exceptional weather events. The text reformulates the subsidized excise rates and confirms the suspension, until 30 November 2022, of the application of the excise rate on the so-called ‘commercial diesel'”.
The discounts will therefore be moved to another delicate situationi.e. the Marche region affected by important meteorological events.
With this decision, the price of diesel risks exceeding 2 euros per litre, as early as next week. Petrol will cost a little less, but will settle at about 1.90 euros per litre, well above the averages of recent months.
Hauliers, on the other hand, are not affected by this reduction in discounts. Therefore, they will still be able to take advantage of the full discount on excise duties, thanks to a different tax regime.
Many protests among citizens and associations in defense of consumers. The Codacons has defined “unacceptable” the decision taken by the Council of Ministers through this decree. Millions of Italians await the definitive text of the decree-law in question, to understand whether fuel will actually rise again to exaggerated levels.