Many surprises will arrive in January 2023, including increasing fines, for motorists, motorcyclists and for those who travel on electric scooters.

In fact, at the beginning of the new year i 11% price increases on fines, the “wild parking” of scooters will be punished in a particular way.
From now on, leave the car illegally in the parking lot reserved for the disabled or at pregnant women, Exceeding speed limits, using the mobile phone while driving can lead to very expensive fines due to inflation.
Increases in fines starting from January, the first complaints are starting
According to what has been established the fines for the infractions the rules laid down by the highway code will be increased, we are talking about 11% more, which makes the difference.
Simone Baldelli, president of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into consumers, dealt with the subject of the maxi sting, who better than him could do it given that for years he has been the great protagonist of battles for the transparency of fines.
Baldelli points out that according to art. 195 of the highway code, administrative fines must be updated every two years also considering Istat data, the costs that families of workers and employeesi have to support.
The current economic situation does not allow us to aim for further increases given that many families also experience the difficulty of making ends meet. For which it’s up to the government stop the price increases with new provisions.
Codacons immediately launches the alarm and states that an 11% increase in sanctions could soon become a big problem for everyone.
In this way the fine for forbidden access to the Ztl it would go from the current 83 euros to 92 euros with an increase of 9 euros. The fine for no parking would rise directly to 46 euros, whereas before it was 42 euros.
Anyone who drives a non-overhauled car, while previously paying 173 euros, would pay today 190 euros with a +17 euros substantial. While for exceeding the speed limits of 60 km/h or more the fine would reach 938 euros with an increase of 93 euros, currently instead you pay 845 euros.

Fines for those who travel by scooter in Rome, that’s why
To ask for explanations and quick interventions is Absolute users who wants to somehow avoid increases in road fines, paradoxical and unjustifiable in a period like this.
Obviously the measure would be taken to increase safety road but at the same time it would represent an increase in expense for all Italians, unfair.
The president Furio Truzzi, declares that every year through fines the municipalities they collect 3 billion euros and more. Money that should be spent on road safety, which is not the case.
The first fines have already started in Rome for who moves on electric scooters. In the capital, in 4 months, 1,200 users of shared electric scooters have been fined for having parked the vehicles incorrectly.