Mirrors, because every night you have to cover them with plastic bags

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Rear-view mirrors are essential in the car because they allow us to keep an eye on the road while driving. In fact, as they teach in driving school, they should always be fixed before starting the car.

Mirror bag
Mirror bag – Motori.news

These elements increase the level of safety of any vehicleso they must always be clean.

The rear view mirror was born 106 years ago, it was 1911, to be proposed by the pilot Ray Harroun, who won the Indianapolis 500 miles by mounting this instrument, which until then was unknown, on a Marmon.

All other pilots housed the mechanic on board informing them of the traffic situation behind them. Ray Harroun instead had mounted the mirror in a central position, behind the vehicle.

This made it possible to know what was happening behind the car, without having another person on board and therefore having to support more weight, thus proceeding more slowly.

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Compulsory mirror in the car

The obligation of the rear-view mirror it was introduced on January 1, 1977. The mirror is made up of the glass, the support that supports the lens, which also allows it to be adjusted.

Then there is the arm that fixes it to the windshield or to the frame. In the most recent cars there is also a camera, which allows you to monitor the car and everything behind it, to avoid hitting other vehicles or obstacles while parking.

It can happen that you see cars around that have the mirrors covered with a plastic bag and wondering why.

That’s why cover the mirror with a bag

Obviously at first glance it may seem strangeyet it can be useful to know that that bag saves lives because it allows you to remove the ice which is created during a freezing winter night in seconds.

Car mirror
Mirrors – Motori.news

When you leave the house to go to work in the morning it is annoying for everyone to find snow and ice on the mirror. The reason is simple, means wasting a lot of time cleaning the mirror and have it as clean and clear as ever.

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Having to clean it means being late for work. That’s why putting a bag and then wrapping the mirrors can be the solution of the century.

Driving with frozen side mirrors is dangerous, basically means losing your eyes. So to avoid problems just fix the bag on the mirror, holding it tight with an elastic band so that the air does not escape.

When you go to get your car in the morning, the mirror is completely free of ice. Just remove the bag and go away without wasting a minute too many.