What is that unknown number on your driver’s license for? You won’t believe it

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On the driving license which today is in card format, there are many codes that identify the document, but which we do not know how to recognize.

unknown number that you find on the license
Unknown number that you find on your driving license – Motori.News

In fact we never use it, from when it is obtained to when it is taken out of the wallet during checks by the police or for any service where a document is required, we never see it.

On licenses that now have the form of a credit card, there are many numbers which can easily be confused especially if you are not informed enough.

Points license, what has changed compared to the first licenses

Compared to years ago, the driving license is much smaller and is also safer, because the paper sheet was easily damaged. Today not everyone knows how to read the data on the license or identify its usefulness, yet you need to know the document in its entirety.

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The codes written on the license allow you to find out everything there is to know about it at any time of the day or when needed. In particular the license number, it is located on the front of the document next to the photo.

The number sequence of the old paper license instead it is located on the back. The function of the driving license number is important; it is an alphanumeric code which contains the driving license points balance.

European driving license facsimile
Driving license – Motori.news

Points licence, that’s what that alphanumeric code is for

As we all know since July 1, 2003 the points system has come into force. This is issued following the theory test and the practical driving test, with a balance of 20 points.

These decrease in the event that the motorist commits an infringement, as many points are deducted based on the seriousness of the infringement committed. In the case of, if so many points are lost, the motorist has two possibilities.

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You can choose to wait or attend a paid 12-hour course, which allows you to get back a good part of it. Alternatively, if you decide to wait, you get one more point each year, until achievement of maximum 30 points.

To find out your driving license points balance, you can call 848 782 782 which is available seven days a week. A recorded voice answers, which guides the user through the how to check your points balance.

The motorist only has to enter the date of birth and driving license number directly via the telephone keypad. As regards the insertion of the license number, it is not necessary to insert the first two letters but only the numbers. To simplify things you can simply access the Driver Portal.

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