The new 2022 car bonus arrives: now it is possible to request incentives for the purchase of a car.

The incentives linked to the new have started car bonus 2022 which will guarantee numerous discounts particularly dedicated to those intending to buy a rechargeable electric or hybrid car.
Does this mean that petrol, diesel, LPG or CNG cars are automatically excluded? It is not said why the bonus aims to push the sale of cars with zero or low CO2 emissions, which could therefore also include some latest generation cars with internal combustion engines capable of guaranteeing truly low consumption.
For this reason the discount that you can receive from the dealer varies: starting from 2,000 euros up to 7,500 euros. The less polluting the car you intend to buy, the higher the incentive received from the state. But that’s not all: there are several innovations introduced by the government.
Auto Bonus 2022: who is entitled to incentives up to 7500 euros and how to request them
In fact, the Government has established that in case you have a income less than 30 thousand euros the year you can count on 50% of additional contributions compared to last year’s amount. This increase is dedicated to the ranges of cars that emit a maximum of 0 to 20 grams of CO2 per kilometer or between 21 and 60 grams of CO2.

To request the bonus, as usual, you don’t have to do anything since the dealer himself will apply it discount in the quote for the proposal to purchase the car. However, four specific conditions must be met:
- Maintain ownership of the purchased vehicle for at least 12 monthseven if the purchase was made through financing.
- The maximum price of the new car that you are about to buy must be lower than the previous ones for past bonuses, with three new price ranges ranging around 35,000 euros for electric cars, 45,000 for plug-in hybrids and 35,000 euros for all the others.
- The dealer will recognize a bonuses of different value depending on the type of vehicle to be purchased.
- It is not mandatory to show up at the dealership for scrapping an old car: it is a necessary requirement only in cases where you want to get an even higher bonus. In that case, the class of the vehicle to be scrapped must be lower than Euro 5. The scrapping obligation only applies to the purchase of new petrol or diesel vehicles.
As we have said, the decree of the new car bonus provides for access to three different bands depending on the emissions of the vehicle to be purchased. For less polluting cars, between 0 and 20 grams of CO2 per kilometre, you can have up to 5,000 euros with scrapping and 3,000 euros without scrapping. There maximum spend expected is 35,000 euros.

For the second band, which includes the plug-in hybrid cars, the bonus drops to 4,000 euros with scrapping and 2,000 euros without scrapping, with a maximum expenditure of 45,000 euros. The car must have emissions of between 21 and 60 grams of CO2 per kilometre.
We close with the third band, then with i more polluting vehicles which emit up to 135 grams of CO2 per kilometre. Here, the expected bonus is 2,000 euros, but only with scrapping and for a maximum expenditure for the purchase of the car of 35,000 euros.