A new obligation is on the way that mainly affects those who are used to driving in the evening: the fine can be really steep.

The beauty of drive late at nightif not even at night, is that you can do it in absolute tranquillity.
Traffic reduced to a minimum, city lights that make everything more magical or totally dark country roads, traffic lights off and the dreamlike sensation of living almost in a dream. Driving in the evening is sometimes like a relaxing experience like a Zen meditation.
This does not mean that the law and the Highway Code go for a nap, far from it. Indeed, it is precisely with the setting of the sun and the arrival of night that the rules are even stricterfor obvious reasons.
After all, we said that in the evening the roads are less busy, so the temptation can slip on the foot of the accelerator and go a little faster than usual. Watch out though because just the speeding fines they can become bloodletting capable of ruining you.
What are the fines for driving at night?
So let’s focus on this specific case. Driving in the evening, from 10pm onwardstaking a fine for speeding means not only having to pay the foreseen fine, but also facing an amount that is one third higher than the established figure.

To remind, the article 142 of the Highway Code expects payment from:
- 42 to 173 euros if you exceed the maximum limit of 10 km/h
- 173 to 694 euros if the limit is exceeded between 10 and 40 km/h
- 543 to 2170 euros if we go over the limit in a value between 40 and 60 km/h plus the suspension of the license up to 3 months
- 845 to 3382 euros if you go beyond what is foreseen at more than 60 km/h, with suspension of the license ranging from 6 months up to 1 year
And these are the standard “rates”. What would happen if you instead get one of these fines in the middle of the evening? Well, as anticipated, article 195 of the Highway Code establishes that in time slot between 22 in the evening and 7 in the morning the amount of the fine increases by a third respect as expected.

Therefore, it is true that free roads at night can “push” us to run a little more, especially if we want to go home because we are tired after a very long day of work or at the end of an evening.
The best thing, also for a matter of one’s own safety and that of others as well as for one’s wallet, is enjoy the peace of mind of night driving.
Turn on the radio, listen to your favorite music and keep a constant and calm pace, accompanied by the silence of the night. Always better than risking a fine too salty or worse for speeding.