Shredded amnesty, if you haven’t paid in recent years you don’t have to do it anymore: check now

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The car tax is the tax most hated by Italians, because anyone considers it a useless tax, given that many are already paid on cars, including insurance which has undergone absurd increases over the years, which not everyone can afford to support.

sanatorium tears stamp
Sanatorium scraps road tax –

There’s a lot of news these days, some have to do with the payment of the billor cars, others with insurance, still others with the excerpt of the tax bills. What emerges is that there is chaos and confusion surrounding the issue.

Many people avoid paying the stamp in the hope of nnot be subject to checks or to be cancelled and re-enter the excerpt of the folders to save a lot of money. The excerpt option is part of the government interventions of 2023.

Removal of folders, here’s what to do if the car tax hasn’t been paid

We are talking about the automatic cancellation of the payment folders that are part of the 2023 budget manoeuvre. It should be noted that the car tax is a regional taxwhereby the money goes into the coffers of the region of residence.

If the citizen does not pay the stamp duty within the deadline, the region sends the payment notice with the aim of reminding him to pay the tax to which a penalty of interest is applied due to the delay.

If the citizen decides not to pay anyway, the region applies directly to the Revenue Agencywhich is entrusted with debt collection. The agency then registers the debt and sends the payment folder to the citizen.

With the 2023 budget law the car tax has been withdrawn some years in particular. This is the cancellation of the stamp duty up to a maximum of €1000 which, among other things, includes tax and interest.

Car condition stamp - Motori.News
car tax – Motori.News

What are the debts that will be written off and that the Italians will not necessarily have to pay

To be excerpted are all the taxes entrusted to the collection agency from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2015. Not all car tax cancellations are included which have been entrusted to the collection agency by the region starting from 31 December 2015.

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The same thing applies to car tax for an amount greater than €1000. It should be noted that for all debts that are included in the cancellation, it will not be necessary to apply because the cancellation will take place automatically.

This is one of the greatest aids that the new government could give to Italians who have been in difficulty for quite some time now.