The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is approaching and many are moving to experience a few days of relaxation away from work and city stress. Many motorists will be driving on the Italian motorway network. Heavy traffic is expected on some sections on 8 December. Which areas will you have to avoid in order not to get stuck in long and boring queues? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

The long weekend of 8 December is approaching and there are many motorists who will set off. The holiday falls on Thursday 8 December and, therefore, there are many who have the opportunity to make a real one bridge also taking advantage of Saturdays and Sundays. Obviously, there will be many people moving around Italy. December 8, therefore, will be a real day for red dot on the roads of our country.
Long queues are one of the recurring nightmares for millions of Italians during long weekends and holiday periods. In these Christmas festivities, then, that of 8 December will also be the only long weekend there will be. In fact, Christmas and New Year’s Eve will fall on a Sunday.
As always happens, then, there will be some sections particularly sensitive to the great exodus of Italians from their areas of residence. Which areas will you have to avoid in order not to waste too much time in traffic? Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Red dot for the long weekend of 8 December: here are all the areas most at risk of traffic
As in every holiday then, on 8 December the transit on the motorway from 9 to 22 to unauthorized heavy vehicles will be prohibited. The same thing will happen for the days of 25 and 26 December and 1 January 2023. A move implemented to limit the number of trucks and heavy vehicles on days with intense traffic risk.

As with any bridge, a real one was branched off red dot for the highways. The motorway junction which – most likely – will be affected by intense traffic in both directions will be that of Bologna. The city, in fact, is one of the main hubs of our country. The risk of being stuck in traffic, therefore, is very high on busy days.
The red dot on traffic for December 8 will also be present on routes with great regularity, even on normal days of the year. We refer to A1 Milan-Naples, on the A14 Bologna-Taranto and on the entire A4 Turin-Trieste.
As always happens on the occasion of these holidays and the many cars expected on Italian roads, our invitation is always to respect the road rules and never jeopardize your own safety and that of other users present on Italian roads.
Furthermore, it will always be advisable to inquire in advance about the traffic forecasts for the stretch you will have to travel. You can find this news on the websites ‘Travelling informed and safe’ – and – on the free number (1518) of the Road Safety Information Coordination Center (Cciss) and through the broadcasts of Isoradio and Onda Verde broadcast on RadioRai.