Speed cameras are a real nightmare for motorists, motorcyclists, all those who travel daily for work and for any other need or emergency.

When you are driving you have to pay attention to every little mistake, because overcoming the speed limit although a little can cost very dearly.
Today everyone is in a hurry, because our lives have become hectic, so even a single minute late can make a difference. But you have to be careful, because traffic police checkpoints accompanied by mobile speed cameras are placed everywhere.
Checks at the weekend to limit the behavior of unruly motorists
In particular, during the weekend between 9 December and 11 December, there will be many more street checks using mobile speed cameras. The Italian government and mayors have made further provisions checks aimed at preventing accidents almost everywhere.
According to data collected in the recent period, the majority of accidents are caused by failure to comply with speed limits because motorists are led, for who knows what reason, to underestimate the rules of the road.
For this reason, the aim is now to keep the situation under control with strict controls on the busiest and most traveled roads and motorways in Italy. All of this, especially now as we get closer and closer to the holiday season so the number of people who will move will triple.

Where the trap speed cameras will be located in some regions of Italy
In Abruzzo during the weekend there will be speed cameras on Chieti Pescara, on the Adriatic, on Fondovalle Trigno, on Fondovalle Alento, on Fondovalle Sangro, on Francavilla al Mare. Same thing goes for Saturday and Sunday.
We continue with the checks in Basilicata, here too there will be strict checks with the police and speed cameras, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. These will take place on the Basentana and Potenza Melfi and then on Saturday and Sunday also on the Ionian.
There will be no speed cameras in Calabria during the weekend. Instead in Campania they will be positioned on the Milan Naples, Naples Salerno, Reggio Calabria, Naples, Salerno, Salerno Avellino and then on the Vesuvius state road, on the Appia.
Finally, there will also be strict controls in Emilia Romagna, in particular on the Forlì ring road, on the Via Emilia and then again on the Adriatic, etc. At the end of all these checks you will have the opportunity to evaluate the functionality of trap speed cameras and more police checks over the weekend.
This could be used to improve checks and security from week to week, even during non-holiday periods.