A new speed camera is coming, it will make life complicated for everyone: an infinite number of fines

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A new speed camera is about to arrive that will remotely detect all infringements, this will be installed along the regional road 482 of Giacciano con Baruchella.

New speed camera
New speed camera – Motori.news

The decision was taken by the municipal administration in collaboration with the mayor Pigaini following the increase of number of accidents on the road concerned.

Most of the accidents on this road occur as a result of failure to comply with the speed limits at night and in the evening. The police force does not have enough officers to send to the streets to keep the traffic under control.

The importance of speed cameras installed on the streets

As problematic and annoying as they may be, the speed cameras installed around Italian roads are fundamental because only through these means of control can there be a guarantee that motorists will try to respect the speed limits and the rules imposed.

Unfortunately, few really do it, many instead they found a trick that workedae which allows them to travel at high speed and reduce it only a few hundred meters from the speed detection system by pinning.

Although the method may work, it is quite dangerous because whoever is behind, whether they are motorists or motorcyclists, may not notice in time and therefore not be able to slow down properly going to cause chain crash.

Speed ​​Cameras
speed cameras – Motori.news

The speed camera installed by the As2 company cost almost 9,000 euros

Here because it was thought to install a speed camera able to catch all infringements and punish motorists who do not respect the rules of the road.

The device will remotely ascertain that the speed limit has not been respected and send the fines to those directly concerned. The new speed camera will be installed by the company as-2 of Rovigo for an amount of €8580. Money that probably will return to the municipal coffers in a few weeks.

Of course, like all speed cameras, this too will be duly reported, at least 1 km away. It is right that the speed camera is reported as required by law, but regardless of this all motorists are advised to respect the limits.

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