Misted up car windows are a cause for despair for most motorists in winter.

It mostly happens in the morning. When you leave the house in a hurry if possible because you are already late or you are afraid of being late, here is the surprise, the car windows are completely fogged up, so seeing through it is practically impossible.
To span them you have to stay there for minutes and minutes, many people in a hurry don’t wait at all so they take the sleeve of the shirt, jacket, sweatshirt or scarf and proceed to solve the problem. There is nothing more wrong.
Car windows, that’s why they must be perfectly clean
Car windows fog up in winter due to the difference in temperature between the inside of the passenger compartment and the outside. Drive with a clean, clear, transparent windscreen it is fundamental both for law and for security reasons.
The driver must have a clear view ahead because you cannot risk your own life or the life of others due to poor visibility. You don’t necessarily have to take a cloth and clean with extremely low temperatures.
There are valid solutions that allow you to solve the problem in a short time without wasting money, time or energy, just know and you’re done.

How to clean fogged glass without wasting time or money
The first thing to do if the car glass fogs up while you are already on the road, in order not to jeopardize your own health and that of others, just turn on the heating, that spans the glass in a few seconds and that’s it.
It may happen that the glass, being very foggy, does not clear, especially early in the morning, because the temperatures are sharp. In this case you should not follow the advice that for many is a guide, i.e. place the hot water bag on top of the glass.
This is not a remedy but a very dangerous gesture which can cause cracks and therefore lead to the breaking of the windshield. The only thing that can come in handywithout damaging the car glass is a sock.
It may seem strange but it is true, those who are skeptical can simply give it a try, among other things at no cost, to confirm. Anyone who has at least one pair of odd socks at home, so just take the remaining one and put it in the brushes that are used to clean the windows.
What is important is that it is moist. Once wet and passed on fogged car windows, the discomfort will only be a distant memory.