If you circulate without this document you are ruined: €3500 fine immediately

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Did you know that if you circulate without this document you are ruined? That’s right, you risk getting a fine of €3,500! Let’s see which document it is!

fine without this document
3500 euro fine – motori.news

Driving safely also means having all the documents in place, as required by law. What documents are we talking about? In particular, we are talking about motor liability insurancemandatory as required by the Highway Code and which must never be expired.

If during a check it is found that your insurance has expired you can face several consequences, e if you have a claim with non-renewed insurance coverage, the troubles increase further. It may happen that you do not have the financial resources to cover the costs of the insurance, and in this case it is better not to take the car.

Or, perhaps search among the various companies for the one that offers good insurance coverage at the lowest prices, and today they really are many companies that offer RC cars at bargain pricesespecially those online. But let’s see what risks you run if your RC car policy has expired!

Do not circulate with an expired RC Auto policy

The Highway Code obliges you to sign a RC car for to travel with a motor vehicle. To say it is Article 193, which also establishes how, if you are not in possession of this document, you are subject to penalties.

Fine on the windshield
Fine – Motori.news

The fine for lack of coverage insurance ranges from €866 to €3,464 and a simple check is enough to ascertain whether it is there or not. The immediate consequences are the stopping of the car and its transport to a place with no traffic.

The sanctions you face without this document

The risks you face without insurance are very high. Indeed, you must know that with expired RC car you are not protected in the event of an accident. That’s right, if an accident happens, what you have will not be enough to compensate the people you have invested or other damage you can cause to vehicles and infrastructure.

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The figures can be astronomical and are far in excess of the cost of a motor liability policy. Also, the vehicle will be held for at least 45 days and if you have not previously signed a policy for at least six months, it will not be returned to you.

In addition to all this, your driving license will be suspended and for one or two months will be confiscated. As you can see, renewing the car liability policy is undoubtedly the best solution, so never move without this document!