MotoGP rider Johann Zarco mourns the loss of an important person in his career with a touching post on Instagram.

The words used by are poignant Johann Zarco32-year-old MotoGP rider, to commemorate the passing of Laurent Fellonhis former manager and father of Lorenzo, a Moto 3 rider who will race with the CIP Green Power colors next year.
It was just the 18 year old son to communicate the death of his father with a post entrusted to his Instagram channel: “With great sadness I have to announce the death of my father, who had been battling cancer for several months. I have no words to describe the pain and the gold I feel right now, but I know that he will always be with me. I love you dad, I will continue to fight for you and for us“.
As said though Johann Zarco also wanted to remember Laurent and he did it too with a post published on his official Instagram profile.
“Goodbye my friend, father of motorcycles, your passion in this field had no limits. The engine vibrations they have always transcended you, just as your desires to convey that passion were great. You have united the world around you to achieve outstanding goals. By your side, you made me a warrior and I will remember this for the rest of my life. Thank you, Nenesan.”
Zarco’s memory for this tragic death
Zarco and Fellon worked together throughout the transalpine rider’s early career period: from Moto 3 debutwith the first victory in a race, the conquest of the world championships in 2015 and 2016, in the latter case in Moto 2. Then, the arrival in premier class in 2017.

Although the professional divorce then came, Zarco and Fellon never missed anything at all and this is further denoted by the words used by the centaur to remember him.
Over the years, Zarco’s career has literally lived on a roller coaster. After a very promising start in KTM in 2019, the early separation arrived due to differences of views and very strong words used by the pilot, an always “hot” guy on the microphones.
The same year he then tries the adventure in Hondafirst to replace Takaaki Nakagami, who was injured, then to hope for a promotion in the main team: however, that place went to Alex Marquez.

The following year comes the “forced” signing with the Spaniards of Avintiagiven that there were no alternatives that would allow him to compete: an aspect that he did not hide even from the microphones.
Finally, the arrival in 2021 in First C and the excellent fifth place finish in the drivers’ standings, the best of the independent teams with four podiums and one pole position. In the 2022 he obtained the same results even though he finished only in eighth position.