What happens if you use your Telepass on another machine? You will regret that you did

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It happened to you to play smart and try to use your Telepass on another machine: we’ll explain why you shouldn’t have done it.

telepass on another machine
Be careful using Telepass on another car – motori.news

The Telepass it is a convenience that we would all like to have: it allows us to avoid the queues at the tollbooth which, especially in the hottest periods of the year, can get really long and waste a lot of time.

If you travel a lot it is undoubtedly one almost indispensable tool: then we will have the report of our tolls with the bank statement sent some time later. Easy to use. Practical. Rapid. And operated by a nifty device to keep in the car.

Ok, let’s say we don’t have it and we decide to borrow it from a friend: or, conversely, to lend ours to another person. In this case it would be better to give up comfort because the consequences can become very heavy.

Use your Telepass on another car? That’s why it’s a bad idea

To answer this question we must quickly understand how Telepass works: the lanes dedicated to this service are equipped with a sensor that recognizes the device present in the car, giving us the possibility of raising the barrier without stopping and thus continuing our journey.

Telepass device
Telepass device – Motori.news

All easy and understandable, right? So why shouldn’t we do the same thing using one device for multiple cars? Well, for the simple fact that there is also a second control system: we are talking about a camera system that will read the license plate by associating it with the Telepass device that has just been synchronised. If the correct recognition is missing, then the fine will already leave for our house.

And it’s not exactly a multina, since the letter that the motorways will deliver us will include one fine that will start from 309 eurosto which the cost of the route you have traveled must be added. Fine + toll unpaid therefore and, if you are a repeat offender, the fine will be increasingly salty going to touch very high peaks.

We add a datum: the owner of the Telepass will also receive the fine at home who will instead have to pay the toll for the entire motorway. In short, imagine if you were the protagonist of this action on one of the longest and busiest routes in the country.

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Telepass lane
Telepass lane – Motori.news

Is it therefore impossible to use a single Telepass on several cars? In reality, there is a method and it is also quite simple: just indicate on the opening contract that you intend to use the device on several cars, indicating all the data necessary to complete this action.

To make this modification or registration, you must follow the same procedure that led you to signing your Telepass contract by going to the Blue Points present on the motorway sections, online on the website or directly through your bank.