Have you ever seen mysterious orange trucks escorted by the Carabinieri? We tell you what they carry.

We see many strange things in the car. People who seem to have won their driving licenses in the lottery, vintage cars that we thought were no longer circulating, enormous means of transport capable of blocking traffic for the time being while waiting for them to pass.
In short, the road is a jungle where we can admire specimens of all kinds: there are the most common ones that we see every day, others that hide and come out only in the moonlight, still others that appear only occasionally, are enormous and often we don’t even know their nature.
It is the case of orange trucks escorted by the carabinieri which we mentioned in the title. We don’t know if you’ve ever seen them, also because they’re easier to find in certain cities than in other urban centers or on the motorway: if you’ve seen them, however, let’s find out together what they’re carrying and above all why they’re escorted.
What are the orange trucks escorted by the police carrying?
The answer is what you expect: given the presence of a large police force patrol, it was already clear to think first of all of a transport of valuables. Moreover, if you have a keen eye, you will also have noticed that the cars of the carabinieri who carry out this service are all of the same model. And there’s a reason.

We’re actually talking about Bank of Italy Carabinieri Commanda special body which has the task of ensuring the supervision of the offices, carrying out transport and, in the case covered by this article, of escorting valuables at the service of the Bank.
Initially, at least until 1981, this service was carried out by the Guardia di Finanza: then it was thought well to create a special body of the Carabinieri used only for this task. A choice to give greater organization to the thing and to prepare the forces of order that would actually deal only with this.
The means used by the Carabinieri are always gods Nissan Pathfinder, obviously recognizable with the livery of the Arma. If you start to see them on the street, you can be sure that they are carrying out a service on behalf of the Bank of Italy, especially if, immediately afterwards, you also see the imaginary orange trucks appear. Always the same. Always instantly recognisable.

What they actually transport is difficult to say: in the sense, since it is a transport carried out for the Bank of Italy, the answer is actually very simple. It’s complicated however to say that kind of valuables carrier the moment you see them pass.
Now, the next time you see them around and you’re in the company of someone you can be “wonderful” and explain what kind of transport we’re talking about. Just remember not to try to imitate the deeds of the protagonists of Paper House, of course.