Marc Marquez participates in a charity project in Barcelona and talks about the next MotoGP championship.

This morning Marc Marquez stopped at theHospital Clinic de Barcelona to act as an ambassador for a charity project called “Learn for Sight”. The goal of the initiative is to improve the ophthalmological health of Haitian citizens through assistance, training and innovation. A contribution that is not only physical, but also material, given that the Honda champion took 100,000 euros out of his own pocket to start this project.
A topic that particularly touches Marc Marquez, affected by two cases of diplopia in the last year. The first after a fall during training with the enduro bike in the autumn of 2021, the second last March after a terrible highside in Indonesia during Sunday morning’s warm up. In reality, Cervera’s talent was accused of the first case of “double vision” ten years ago, when he was in Moto2, following a crash in Malaysia. No pilot knows better than him how important vision is.
Marc Marquez and Honda want redemption

On the occasion of the conference held at the Catalan hospital, Marc Marquez recalls those terrible days when he had to deal with diplopia. “Not only could I not race on the track, but I wasn’t even independent, because I couldn’t even get around by car and depended on others. I couldn’t even read with both eyes open“. The vision problem caused him more headaches than the four operations on his right arm: “Shoulder injury hurts but sometimes you can forget it. But when you see double you can’t forget it all day, only when you sleep“.
On the occasion, the Honda champion also spoke about next season and his physical conditions. The eight-time world champion does not mince words: “I asked Honda for a competitive bike and I don’t care what it is like. I don’t care if the bike improves behind or in front… I want a competitive bike because my dream is to fight for a World Championship again“.
For his part, Marc Marquez is continuing with his rehabilitation, his arm is improving, he will reach one hundred percent in January. “I am Marc, Honda is Honda and in the Repsol Honda Team we are forced to fight for the title. And this is the intention. Then we’ll see what happens“, concluded the Cervera phenomenon. “My goal is to win the World Cup and we are working towards this“.