You put some hair gel on your license plate, you have no idea what happens

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Hair gel is not only useful when and if we want to have perfect hair, it can also be useful if spread on the car’s license plate for a reason that no one could ever imagine except the most informed motorists.

Hair gel on the plate
Hair gel on the license plate – Motori.News

Some of them know one more than the devil, so they already know how to use the gel on the car license plate and why to do it.

These are people who don’t let any detail slip away and who would do anything to behave as they want when driving any vehicle, to avoid speed cameras.

What consequences are risked if the studied trick doesn’t work

The hair gel remedy could also be the cause of serious criminal consequences. When you are driving a vehicle, the first thing to do is to respect the rules of the highway code.

Anyone who doesn’t respect them experiences the anxiety of speed cameras or checkpoints for which they go in search of all the valid and invalid tricks to get away with it, not knowing however that often these they don’t work and make things worse.

Italian registration
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Does the hair gel or hairspray trick really work? Here’s what to do and why

The method of the hair gel smeared on the plaque is put into practice in this way. You go to get the gel and pass it on the license plate, obviously it doesn’t serve to keep it shiny and clean, but to disturb the speed control system, or the speed cameras, because the product goes to reflect the flash or sunlightwhich makes (according to the opinion of some motorists) the license plate illegible.

Actually, you should know that this trick doesn’t work at all, because the camera of the speed camera is well calibrated, so even if it manages to catch only one letter, it still manages to trace the license plate and the car.

So in the end, it does not appear to be difficult to apply the administrative sanction and therefore to punish those who do not respect the speed limits and the highway code.

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Who resorts to the gel method or some hairspray for making the numbers and letters on the license plate difficult to see and recognize, you risk a fine ranging from €42 to €173.

If, on the other hand, you are accused of counterfeiting the license plate, and then you go to modify it with felt-tip pens, ink of any kind, adhesive tape, you risk a fine ranging from 1988 euros to 7900 euros. Taking risks is certainly not the best choice, legality wins over everything.