Many people wonder if there is a more convenient time of day to put fuel in the tank of your car. Many think that early in the morning or at night are the two best times to refuel. But is it really so? Let’s clarify once and for all the doubts and truths on this topic so “loved” by Italians.

The petrol price has soared during this year, especially when compared to previous seasons. The reason – as, unfortunately, everyone knows – is linked to the international instability caused by the Russian invasion on Ukrainian territory at the end of February. Since then, the price of gasoline and any other fuel has skyrocketed.
The Italian government has implemented a series of decrees to improve the situation. One of them is undoubtedly the cut of excise duties on the price per liter of fuel. From March to the end of November, in fact, Italians benefited from a discount of about 30 cents per liter on the cost of fuel. The discount has been reduced by 12 cents from December 1st. In 2023 the situation in this regard – at the moment – is not yet clear.
Given the price increases and the general instability, there are many Italians who wonder if there is actually a better moment of the day than another to fill up with petrol.
What is there to know about this topic? Would it be better to refuel during the day or at night? Here are all the details about this story that is causing confusion to so many people.
Is there a better time than the other to get gas? Here’s everything you need to know about it
If you want to save fuel, one of the many right moves to make is certainly to improve your driving style. You will have to avoid sudden acceleration and braking and therefore have a not too abrupt gait. Another tip is to turn off the car during a short stop. But is there any other trick to save money? Let’s find out if there is actually a better time of day to fill up with fuel.

For some time the rumor has spread that refueling early in the morning or at night, especially in the hot summer months, is more convenient. But what is true about this rumor?
In fact, many have come to know of a physical principle – absolutely true and sacrosanct – as far as temperatures are concerned. During the hottest hours, the fuel increases in volume due to thermal expansion. So, on paper, for the same volume you would have one lower energy yield than the fuel introduced in the cooler hours.
In theory, this principle is valid. Therefore, many are led to believe that refueling at night or at dawn can save us around 3% on a full tank of petrol. In fact, that’s not quite the case. In fact, the fuel is stored in some places that are completely isolated from a thermal point of view, i.e. in underground tanks.
The temperature, therefore, is not affected by what happens outside. Even once it has arrived at the distributor pump, the temperature of the petrol has such minimal fluctuations as to not significantly influence its energy yield.
The only way to save money, therefore, is to drive less abruptly and pay attention to the various discounts offered by petrol stations in your area. Therefore, there is no point in getting up at night to get petrol. The saving is nil or, at most, a very few euro cents.