Scratch on the windshield, with €1 you can solve it immediately: nothing but a body shop

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Did you find a scratch on the windshield? Don’t worry because with this super cheap product you can solve it in no time

Scratch on the windshield
Scratch on the windshield –

It can happen with a little bad luck to find it on your car a scratch on the windshield. Maybe a piece of debris thrown up by another car on the highway, maybe something that fell right on your car: the fact is that this is a matter that needs to be remedied quickly to avoid worse problems.

A scratch or small chip on the windshield it can become something much more profound over time: the contrast between hot air and cold air, especially if you use the air conditioner in both summer and winter, can easily widen an initially small crack.

We know what you’re thinking: Do I really have to go to the body shop? If the situation has precipitated, unfortunately yes and you must also prepare yourself for a significant expense. However, just as we advised you, if you decide to act in time you can solve it with a symbolic cost of 1 euro. We explain how.

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How to fix a scratch on your windshield using this amazing £1 product

You certainly have the product we are talking about at home and you don’t even have to buy it unless you have a very particular idea of ​​how to manage your oral hygiene.

Scratch on windshield much worse
Scratch on the windshield much worse –

Yes, that’s right, we’re talking about the toothpaste. To use it to fix a small scratch on your windshield you must first clean the glass well to remove any speck of dust or residue that could affect the effectiveness of the method.

With the help of a soft damp cloth, dry so as to eliminate all traces of your cleaning operation.

At that point comes the turn of the toothpaste: take some and spread it evenly and evenly on a clean cloth. Once this is done you can start to pass it on the damaged windshield point: remember to do it delicately to avoid worse problems.

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The work must be done with regular and circular movements: if you want to improve the final result you can add a little baking soda to the toothpaste. The combined action between the two elements will help you eliminate the scratch. Before concluding, however, rinse well with a little water and leave to dry. If you are in a hurry, use another clean cloth to help yourself.

Done this your windshield should be like new again and it will allow you to prevent the thing from getting worse and becoming such a serious damage as to force you to visit your trusted workshop.

Toothpaste –

For this reason, every time you get a scratch on the windshield, or anywhere else on the car, it’s good intervene in time in order to avoid worse troubles in terms of economic expenditure. After all, as you have seen, simple toothpaste can be enough to help you save a lot of money.

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