Never lend your car to a relative, if you do the fine is close to €1000: watch out

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Did you know that by lending the car to a relative you risk getting a fine of almost 1000 euros? That’s right, you must never do this if you want to avoid the penalty. Here’s what puts you at risk of getting fined!

never lend a car to a relative
1000 euro fine –

It often happens that you have to lend your car to a relative out of need or in an emergency, however you need to know that you have to respect the rules in order not to be fined.

Indeed, you must know that there are specific rules to be observed if you decide to lend the car for an extended period of time. If you don’t do it and the relative is stopped by the police, you can incur heavy fines, which are close to 1,000 euros and even more. Let’s find out what to do to avoid it!

How does the fine for loaned cars work?

There law usually has no interest in checking if you have lent a car to a relative for some time or even just for a few hours. However, the responsibility always falls on the owner of the car, so if you lend a car, you are responsible for the vehicle.

lend car relative- Motori.News

Actually, that exists which is called joint liabilitybetween the owner and the driver of the vehicle. In particular, both the owner and the relative to whom the car was lent are required to pay a fine.

Instead, if points are deducted, are deducted from the driver’s license. However, know that if you lend the car, it is not necessary to update the booklet. Instead, if the relative keeps the car for more than 30 days and it is not a cohabitantyou must communicate to Motorizzazione Civile the data of the person to whom you lent the car. The institution will note it on the registration certificate.

If you lend your car, you could risk a hefty fine

If you lend your car without complying with the conditions described above, you risk incurring hefty fines, which are even close to 1000 euros and more. In fact, in the event of breach of the obligation to notify if you lend a car for more than 30 days, you risk getting a fine of at least 728 euros, which depending on the case can even reach 3,636 euros.

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Therefore, if you want to lend the car to a relative or a friend for an extended period, take care to inform the motorisation of the name of the person who will have to drive it. You will avoid hassle and hefty fines.