Being equipped with all the right equipment in your car is essential to avoid hefty fines – see what happens if you don’t have this

Get behind the wheel it also means bringing with you everything you need to avoid incurring heavy penalties. We’re not just talking about common equipment, such as a driving licence, booklet and insurance certificate, but also about additional objects that concern a category of motorists.
In fact, you will remember that when you obtain your driving license you are subjected to one eye examination to determine whether or not you need to wear eyeglasses when you’re behind the wheel. In some cases, even with a slight shortcoming, it is allowed to drive without the support of lenses or glasses. In others, however, it is mandatory to always carry them with you.
We also remember what he says Article 173 of the Highway Code, paragraph 1: “The holder of a driving license who, during the issue or renewal of the license itself, has been required to integrate his organic deficiencies and anatomical or functional impairments by means of lenses or certain devices, is obliged to use them while driving“.

What happens if you fail to fulfill this obligation? Of course, there are heavy penalties. Let’s discover them together.
Do you have to wear eyeglasses while driving? Be careful not to forget them
The latest update of the Highway Code in this sense has equated the value of contact lenses with eyeglasses. Any control by the agents will therefore be purely visual, to make sure you are actually wearing your lenses.
In any case, in order to avoid any type of discussion or unexpected event, since contact lenses can accidentally fall out, it is good practice to always have your eyeglasses with you.
Also because in that case the fine is really salty: from a pecuniary point of view we are talking about a sanction that can start from minimum 81 euros and even reach 285 euros, with an amount that directly depends on the visual impairment you have. It does not end here, however, because the deduction of 5 points from the driving license: therefore, be careful.

It is not an aspect to be overlooked or underestimated because, never mind, an accident happens there insurance company could decide not to compensate the injured party because, at the time of the event, you were not wearing glasses as required by your driving licence.
You will be accused of negligence breaking one of the basic rules of a normal insurance contract. For this reason, to avoid fines and above all to drive in the best possible conditions, don’t forget your eyeglasses if you’re expected to wear them: if they’ve been prescribed them, after all, there will be a reason.