Navigator prohibited, if you have this you have to pay a €700 fine: what a nightmare

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By car we are all used to using the navigator to orient ourselves: but is it possible to do it all the time? Here’s what the law says.

navigator prohibited if you have this fine
Navigator prohibited, €700 fine –

Nowadays the use of old road maps it’s outdated. When we find ourselves in a city we don’t know, or we still want to reach a place as quickly as possible, we rely on satellite navigatoroften integrated directly into our smartphone.

After all, modern satellite navigators, especially those that are part of the telephone, are equipped with all the useful functions for a guide with as much information as possible: location of speed camerasreal-time traffic, the ability to set alternative routes to toll roads and much more.

Difficult to do without them: they are embarrassingly comfortable, especially in cars equipped with infotainment systems integrated with Android and Apple CarPlay that allow you to have everything immediately at your disposal.

What happens though if we use them while we are driving? We are talking about something that can be done or we have to take precautions. Here’s what the Highway Code says in this regard.

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Use of the navigator while driving: here are the cases in which it is prohibited and a fine is foreseen

In this regard, let us remember a rule that always applies: when you are driving, you should avoid taking your hands off the steering wheel as much as possibleespecially to carry out secondary actions such as changing music, making a phone call, albeit with the speakerphone, or using the navigator.

Satellite navigator
Satellite navigator –

If you need to set the destination with your satellite navigator the best and right thing to do, which will also allow you to avoid risks of all kinds, is stop on the side of the road and carry out the operation calmly and without haste.

Also because if you get caught by the police for distracting yourself to use the navigator or other multimedia tools in your car you are liable to a fine which can also become very salty.

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The Highway Code provides a fine starting from 161 euros but, depending on the seriousness of the action committed according to the assessment of the agent who will impose the fine, it can come to touch figures even equal to 700 euros.

Therefore, contemporary satellite navigators are undoubtedly useful, they are full of extra functions, they allow us to reach our destination in the shortest possible time, also considering the traffic, and they can save us the day in case of serious accidents on the route we usually take.

I use sat nav in car
Use of satellite navigator in the car –

Also, thanks to location of speed cameras more or less updated, they allow us to know in advance the roads in which it would be better to keep a speed within the legal limits. Precisely for this reason, however, and to avoid another type of fine, remember to use it only when the car is stationary: otherwise you risk being fined for another reason.

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