The trick of the aluminum ball on the dashboard is as widespread as it is strange for those who don’t know it. In reality, apparently it turns out to be useful and saving because it solves a common problem that afflicts any motorist in the world.

Aluminum in the house is never lacking, in fact it is really difficult to do without it because it allows you to preserve food in an integral way both in the freezer and in the refrigerator but not only.
It can be used in the home to solve various problems such as wrapping transponder car keys. Acts as an insulator thus prevents thieves from being able to steal the codes without anyone noticing. There are multiple uses ready to change the life of anyone who uses the car often.
Aluminum is useful not only at home but also in the car, tricks that come in handy inside the car
There are some tricks that apparently may seem small and useless, which are the turning point above all in case of problems serious or annoying inconveniences. It starts from the mobile phone which, using an elastic band and a simple paper clip, can act as a navigator.
We continue with the toothpaste which can be used to remove the patina that forms on the headlights or the very simple scratches that form on the windshield. But be careful because what it manages to do an aluminum ball is incredible.

What to do with an aluminum ball
With an aluminum ball you don’t protect codes, keys, food but yes solve common problems, newspapers. To discover the value of aluminum in the car, just create aluminum balls and place them on the dashboard, they act as thermal insulator, both in summer when we find an oven inside the car and in winter.
There temperature thanks to the sheets or aluminum balls remains constant, so you can immediately put your hands on the wheel and drive without desperately looking for gloves. Always balled up, aluminum foil helps fight rust.
Wet an aluminum ball with coca cola and then rub it directly on the rusted part. Rust comes off in the blink of an eye without problems and inconveniences, but above all without spending a single cent or using products that are bad for your health.
There are those who already know these tricks and those who don’t believe in them despite being intrigued. The advice is one and it’s very simple, try it to believe it. It doesn’t cost much to give it a try, also because it’s really worth it.