We drive the car every day, although it is forbidden we often do it thoughtlessly, then there are those who relax by listening to music or even talking on their cell phones using the speakerphone, consequently breaking the Highway Code because they are distracted.

Yet you have to be careful because some infractions are trivial, while others are they are heavy and paying for them may not be child’s play.
The Highway Code is made up of paragraphs and articles, knowing them is also very difficult, the code is constantly updated so you should keep yourself constantly informed.
The law does not admit ignorance, so if you are stopped at a checkpoint e you are not respecting just any ruleyou pay.
Highway code closely linked to the penal code that’s why
The highway code, even if they don’t think much about it, is connected to the Penal Code. In fact, many contraventions concern criminal offenses. The standards are so many that in case of control it is really hard to avoid the fine.
That’s why, even if you think you have everything in order and that you have all the necessary documents to show to the police, you have to be careful. A small mistake can cost you dearly, but many motorists know this in fact they fear the paddle of the alt.
Despite being in good standing and having a clear conscience, it can happen that something gets out of control.
On the other hand, those who travel by public transport are not afraid in negligent conditions, for example on a stolen vehicle or without documents, without a driving licence, with the document suspended, in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs, causing accidents.

What happens if you commit this crime
Many of these do not stop at the halt, pretend nothing happened and go straight on their way. Yet this gesture should never be done, the reason is very simple. A crime is committedcheckpoint violation but not only that, you risk your life because the agents in that case are authorized to shoot.
Ignoring a law enforcement halt is risky, so it’s better to risk a fine, albeit a hefty one, than to make the situation worse. Why at that point the chase beginsthen once stopped you have to explain the reason for the gesture.
All this without considering that during the escape there is also the risk of committing an accident that could be fatal.
The fine you risk ranges from €84 to €335 with a three-point deduction on your driving license for having violated article 192 of the highway code.
In the event of a checkpoint violation, with the road closed in all lanes with the sign ALT-Police the fine ranges from 1,324 to 5,302 euros, with the reduction of 10 points from the licence.