Toothpaste can perform not only its classic function of preventing cavities when cleaning your teeth. In fact, this product can have its own purpose not only in guaranteeing health and hygiene for your teeth, but also in improving a completely different situation. Let’s find out what happens if you put toothpaste on an area of the bodywork of your car full of scratches and stains. Its usefulness will surprise you positively.

Different products and ingredients can prove to be very useful not only in their specific field, but also for seemingly unthinkable aspects. One of them is, undoubtedly, the toothpaste. In fact, it is essential to ensure proper dental hygiene, but it will also be possible to use it on the bodywork of your car. This may seem absurd to you, but it is true.
Anyone who owns a car knows how – very often – you can run into small rear-end collisions with other cars or collisions with doors or other objects in a parking lot. Our car does not reside in a glass case. So, it is completely normal to suffer small scratches on the bodywork. To these, some possibilities can also be added stains on the bumper, caused by the tires of other cars that may “lean” against it.
Nothing irremediable. The coachbuilder will be able to improve the situation in a few simple steps. But if it is not your intention to spend money for these extraordinary maintenance operations, it is good to know that there is a very effective do-it-yourself method. And for this, the subject of our article, namely toothpaste, will come in very handy.
Obviously, it will only prove to be very functional on small scratches or not too “important” spots on the bumper. But do you know how to use toothpaste on the bodywork of your car? Here are all the details about it.
The usefulness of toothpaste on scratched areas of the car: here’s everything you need to know about it
The small scratches, therefore, can be eliminated thanks to the action of a normal toothpaste. A practical and economical solution, which will allow us to considerably improve the external aesthetic situation of our car. But how to ensure excellent results? Here are all the details.

The body shop to remove light abrasions on the bodywork uses specific abrasive paste. The do-it-yourself move that we recommend, on the other hand, allows you to improve the situation with the toothpaste. Indeed, it it has some substances able to act effectively on the scratched or stained area.
It will be necessary to place a small amount of toothpaste on a microfiber cloth. Go to the area affected by the scratches and make some circular movements precise with the cloth full of toothpaste. After a few minutes, the action of the toothpaste will take effect. It will be important dry the area, without applying too much force.
Remember to always use the right amount of toothpaste on the area to be applied, without ever exceeding. Furthermore, it is good to say how it is shouldn’t be too forceful on the bodywork area with the microfiber cloth filled with toothpaste. Indeed, there may be some coarse crystal residues that can aggravate the scratch situation on the bodywork.
As in all things, therefore, it will be necessary to pay close attention. The important thing is to have the time and desire to implement this “magic” with toothpaste. This do-it-yourself action will allow you to save several hundred euros at the body shop. With a few euros, you will be able to eliminate small scratches and stains in specific areas of the bodywork of your car. Challenge yourself!