Speed cameras are the biggest nightmare of motorists all over the world, they are found practically everywhere. Even when you least expect it, as soon as you press the accelerator pedal a little more than the permitted level, you’ll be fined.

Speed cameras are installed in the main Italian roads, especially where there is a greater risk of committing an accident due to the high speed of unruly motorists
The placement of these speed cameras is strategic, what we want to do is limit errors, to teach all users how it is right and it is better to behave when you are driving any vehicle.
Glu speed cameras are indispensable, but motorists are in great difficulty
All this is right, we are aware of it. Just as we are aware of the fact that today getting to the end of the month is really difficult. We have all found ourselves having to deal with higher petrol prices and motorway tolls.
As if that weren’t enough, here come the new speed cameras that don’t let anyone escape and that don’t accept any mistakes. But there is a solution, from now on all you have to do is pay attention to keep the speed within the limits.
This is because the control hills will rise over the next few days as they are placed in large numbers in all regions of Italyin several points that have however already been reported.

Where will the new speed cameras be installed and what are the fines you risk
The new speed cameras will be installed in Milan both inside the city and in the external areas, the same thing will happen throughout Liguria and in the territory of La Spezia where three in particular will arrive.
Then obviously Rome could not be missing, where they are considered practically indispensable due to the numerous road accidents. The same thing in Valsugana, in the direction of Trento. In addition to speed cameras fines are increasing.
Who exceeds the permitted speed pay from €170 to even 680 or €2000 with the deduction of points from the driving license or even the suspension of the document based on the seriousness of the act committed. Those who exceed the permitted speed of 60 km per hour risk getting fines of over €3,000.
There are those who, when they see a fine arriving, choose not to pay and those who pay immediately. The best choice is to pay immediately in order to take advantage of a discount which, although not high, makes the difference. Not paying means running the risk of having to pay months later, having to pay double.