€280 fine if you don’t have this item with you in the car, if they stop you you’re finished

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When driving any vehicle, you must pay attention to every little thing because even the most trivial can cause fines of 300 plus euros.

€280 fine
€280 fine – Motori.News

We often don’t realize how much the rules of the Highway Code are fundamental both for ourselves and for others because allow us to circulate in total safety.

For this reason it is necessary to be 100% informed, so as to be able to behave well and always be in good standing, without running the risk of getting sanctioned or committing accidents which they can also have serious consequences on third parties.

Fitness to drive, that’s when you risk a fine

Any vehicle, if not driven well, suddenly for a trivial mistake it can turn into a death trap.

Those who have a driving license must know how to drive the relevant vehicle, which vehicle they can drive, but above all they must be able to do it.

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They must also demonstrate that they know how to react to any situation, from the most dangerous to the least dangerous, otherwise they risk getting the fine or the withdrawal of the driving license or vehicle registration document.

Each license allows you to drive one vehicle rather than another, so you cannot drive a heavy vehicle with a B license and so on.

Driving license
Driving license – Motori.News

Control visits, that’s why the eye visit is important

Before obtaining the licence, you must undergo check-ups which serve to demonstrate that you are in good health. Among the many medical examinations there is the ophthalmological one which is performed directly at the driving school, by a professional.

The eye examination serves tod ascertain the presence of special conditions which can endanger the subject and other users on the road, driving any vehicle or on foot.

If myopia is diagnosed at the end of the visit, a code is entered on the driving license indicating driving with eyeglasses. From that moment on you are obliged to travel by car only using eyeglasses or contact lenses both for safety reasons and to avoid penalties.

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In fact, those who are stopped at a checkpoint, if they don’t wear glasses or contact lenses, after checks and controls by the police, catch a fine to be paid within the pre-established terms ranging from €81 to €282.