All motorists who make a mistake which at first glance may seem trivial but which in reality are not, risk getting fines of €7,264.

There are some mistakes that almost all motorists make when they drive two or four-wheeled vehicles, which we need to stop for a moment and think about.
When you go around the public roads you must always do it only in possession of the documents and the appropriate licenses especially if you work in some specific sectors.
Documents to always have with you, here’s what they are and why
Always having the documents with you means being safe because if they are requested at the police checkpoint, you need to be able to provide them without problems and without wasting time.
The highway code is composed dto 200 articles each divided into paragraphs, which cover circulation on foot, on bicycles, motorbikes, trams, scooters and so on.
The rules go to explain how you have to drive all these vehicles and what you can and can’t do, on the licenses and documents needed to be able to juggle traffic on one vehicle rather than another.

What article 86 says and what are the consequences for non-compliant taxi drivers
Article 86 of the Highway Code states that whoever drives a taxi he must comply with the laws of the sector in a careful and scrupulous manner if he does not want to pay rather serious consequences.
Always the article in question regulates sanctions and violations so understanding what awaits us if we commit a violation is quite simple. Let’s take an example.
If a taxi driver who has the required license carries passengers in a vehicle that is not used for business, therefore a normal car equipped with signs, a radio and a taximeter, he risks getting a fine ranging from 86 to €339.
The sanction becomes more serious if the paragraph 2 of article 86 is broken according to which anyone who uses a vehicle as a taxi without having the authorization must pay a fine ranging from €1816 to €7264.
But it doesn’t end there because of the fine the administrative fine also follows then the confiscation of the vehicle and the revocation of the driving license from 4 to 12 months. If the same person were to commit this offense twice in 3 years, the license is revoked which becomes an additional sanction.
The same penalties apply to all those whose driving license has been revoked or suspended but who continue to drive a particular vehicle.