Petrol voucher, €258.23 immediately on the bill: run and request it

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For a year now, the price of petrol has skyrocketed, partly due to the Russia-Ukrainian war, partly following inflation and the costs of the pandemic.

Good petrol
Petrol voucher – Motori.News

It is the Italians who are paying the price, who suddenly find themselves living with the fear of not being able to make ends meet in order to face all the most important expenses.

Now there would seem to be an alternative that allows you to refuel without paying excessive amounts.

It is not a question of implementing illegal tricks as many motorists have done in recent months, but to take advantage of the new 200 euro petrol bonus.

How to save on petrol

The €200 petrol voucher is given to employees but does not contribute to the formation of income, so it’s totally tax-free money.

All workers can obtain it, because there are no requisites or income ceilings. The only limit is the following: the petrol bonus is intended exclusively for those who work for private companies.

The Revenue Agency has stated that it is not necessary to submit applications to obtain the bonus because employees will receive it automatically.

The petrol coupon may be issued as a Benefit, or as a fuel voucher and can be granted by employers by 12 January 2023.

Companies will decide whether to grant it to employees or not and to what extent. But it doesn’t end there because the reduction in the price of petrol and diesel will soon arrive. The reduction will be €0.25 by the end of April 2023.

Discount petrol
good petrol – Motori.News

Generalized price increase

According to the media, there will be a generalized increase in prices in the coming weeks that will affect any sector. As for fuel, there will be an increase of 18 cents per litre.

To date, both petrol and diesel are close to 2 euros per liter, even self-service, so the two euro threshold will probably be clearly exceeded in the short term.

Read More:  Petrol at 0.013, everyone rushes to fill up: never happened before

Many people have chosen to use public transport since diesel and petrol prices have increased move from one part of the city to another or even from one city to another.

For workers, this discussion is much more difficult because they need independence to respect timetables but also because not all areas are well connected. So hopefully the petrol coupon can help them solve a rather serious problem within the short term. All that remains is to wait.