Be very careful, if they stop you at the checkpoint they will immediately check if you have this item in your car. If you don’t have it, they charge you the fine right away.
checkpoint – Austria is all to be visited and discovered in all its parts because it is full of beauties. Nobody or few know the rules of the driving system on Austrian roads, yet you should always inquire especially if you love to travel and if you don’t want to risk getting a hefty fine for nothing.
In the meantime, to take advantage of the Austrian motorways, an annual payment of €89.20 must be paid, this money they can also be paid on a bimonthly basis paying €26.80 every two months or €9.20 every 10 days.
In Austria, they check everything at the checkpoint
Then as regards the speed limits they are very similar to the limits imposed in Italy, it is a question of 130 km per hour to be maintained on the motorway and 50 km per hour in inhabited centres. Here, however, speed cameras are more frequent than in Italy, so you have to be very careful. As regards the alcohol thresholds, it is 0.048%, a threshold similar to that present in Italy but with greater tolerance in against new drivers who have an imposed limit of 0.01% for 2 years.
Then there are the documents that you must always carry with you and that you must show to the police in case of control. In this case it is mandatory to have a driving license and vehicle registration document with you. But there is one peculiarity that distinguishes Austria from any other country and not just from Italy. These are the mandatory equipment to keep in the car at all times.

What you must always have with you when traveling in Austria on urban, extra-urban and motorway roads
By law in Austria you must have not only the warning triangle to be used in the event of an accident or if the vehicle were to be damaged suddenly. You must also have a first aid kit, kept in a solid container with an airtight seal and which is required at the checkpoint.
Who does not have this equipment in the car, during the check, must pay a hefty fine directly to the policeman or the policeman. If the fine, not only in this case but in any circumstance, should exceed €90, payment can be made within two weeks by leaving a small deposit. In the last period, Austria has prepared new rules concerning speed limits and has set the limit of 80 km per hour in urban centers and 90 on extra-urban roads. Those who do not respect the speed limits risk having the vehicle confiscated.
The article Roadblock, if you don’t have it in your car, there’s trouble: everyone is checking it, it comes from Motori News.