A few months ago Gabriel Rodrigo announced the end of his racing career. But he is already launched into another project.

Another young driver prematurely ended his career during 2022. The latest accidents and injuries (but not only) have pushed Gabriel Rodrigo to a reflection on his career. The 26-year-old Argentinian, making his debut this year in the World Cup Moto2 with the Mandalika SAG Team, in the long recovery period due to the last one problem physicist has thus decided to stop, to leave the helmet and overalls. end of his racing career, but Rodrigo has certainly not been lying on the sofa since then. First, for him it was time to to get married with his partner Elia Rabasa Alos, but not only: the opportunity has also come to “change grid“.
Gabriel Rodrigo, the retreat
In chronological order, the latest physical problem it occurred during the first races of the year. The Argentinean driver grit his teeth, but the trouble was with one shoulder which only got worse, forcing him to stop and have surgery. was thelast strawbut the thoughts had already been there before, as he himself communicated. “Shortly after signing for the Moto2I had a very hard crash in training, I have risked the life.” this theadmission made by Rodrigo last September through a long post on his social channels. It is not the only aspect that prompted him to reflect. “The last misfortunes happened to some of our colleagues made me reconsider the situation.” The clear reference is to Jason Dupasquier, Hugo Millan And Dean Berta Vinalesvery young pilots who disappeared in 2020 in three separate tragic accidents. Gabriel Rodrigo ha has finally come to the conclusion that he no longer wants to risk so much. L’love for motorcycles it will remain forever, but “I have so many other projects.”
The “grid” of the former pilot
One of them was to go ahead with his own Education, much more difficult speech when you are a professional athlete. Now Rodrigo is studying Marketing and Management of a Restaurant, the first step of a project already in progress. In fact, the former Argentinean driver has announced that he will open next month one of his activitiesa fast food restaurant in Barcelona, with only one type of hamburger. “We are continuously rehearsing for the rest, we want perfect ourselves“ commented Gabriel Rodrigo to El Mundo. A new life for the former MotoGP rider, who greeted two wheels with the smile and many beautiful memories, to reinvent himself in a completely different profession.