Cleaning the car and in particular the dashboard which always collects a lot of dust, in some cases becomes quite problematic because the activity takes a long time and in any case, the best way to do it is never found.

Whatever you use, iThe result you get is never what you want because the dust remains there or the used cloth leaves lint that is ugly to see, which still gives the feeling of dirt.
Whether you use the machine often, or use it little or nothing, you need to find the right remedy that allows you to clean and sanitize it properly so as not to risk allergies or other health problems that we should never underestimate.
How to clean your car properly
Traveling on a dirty or smelly vehicle is not the best, just like hosting people, giving lifts to friends, relatives or strangers. With a pinch of disinterest and just as much superficiality, the machine ris likely to become a receptacle for bacteria.
Generally it is recommended to use disinfectants and products that keep dust away for days or weeks, but you have to be careful because they cost a lot, often they don’t work and they also end up being harmful to your health.
In some cases there is even the risk of damaging the dashboard, especially if it is a particularly delicate material, for example leather, so choosing well is very important.

Clean and perfume the machine with the coffee filter
If you want to fix it quite simply and quickly without spending a single cent, just go home and absurdly take a coffee or tea filter that has obviously not been used yet.
At this point sprinkle seed oil on top, in such a way as to soften it and apply it all over the dashboard, without adding anything else. Not only does the filter collect dust and eliminate dirt, but at the same time it perfumes the machine, which will continue to smell like coffee for days.
In the same way, the coffee filter can be kept inside an open drawer of the carobviously it must be a new filter, this will come in handy for perfuming the vehicle.
This shows that there are many remedies that solve unthinkable problems, at no cost, giving incredibly advantageous results without the slightest effort.
So to have the car clean and fragrant you don’t necessarily have to have it cleaned by professionals, you can do everything in a do-it-yourself key even using something that we all have at home.