If you have found the car with a dead battery, you can solve it quickly with the arrow trick. We explain how it works

It can happen to everyone from time to time to find themselves with the car that won’t start due to low battery. A misfortune that we would all gladly avoid and which ends up ruining our day: if we don’t find a way to get it started, even by pushing, we are forced to call a tow truck with all the costs that follow.
To start a car with a flat battery we are used to using the more conventional systems: from the “push” by hand to give the car that kinetic energy needed to make the starter motor go, to connecting the cables to another car, courtesy of a good Samaritan.
Of less conventional methods instead we don’t know very many of them, but this will be useful for you. Now we’re going to see why the use of dazzling headlights it can get us out of this unpleasant situation by allowing us to start the car and take it to its destination, preferably to an electrician to evaluate the cause of the problem.
Starting the car with a flat battery thanks to the high beam headlights
If the car won’t start, of course, something is wrong. After done two or three attempts it is appropriate to let it go in order to avoid stressing too much the starter motor and the car’s systems and make the situation worse. Instead you could try a workaround that can save you from more complicated situations.

Once you have turned the key to the point needed to turn on the instrument cluster instead of trying to start the car “limited” to turning on the high beam headlights for about 30 seconds. The energy accumulated by this solution will allow you to have the necessary energy so that there is the cue required by the car to start.
Let’s talk about a trick that works in most cases, but don’t be disappointed if you find that this method doesn’t work either. In that case, it means that the battery is really flat or in any case there is something that does not allow the car to have the cue necessary to start the engine.

Assuming that a visit to the electrician should be done anyway because a car that doesn’t start can be symptomatic of something to be evaluated by an expertin the event that the high beam method does not work either, it is good to put your mind at peace and hope that the problem is only due to a battery that has reached the end of its life.
The car batteries they generally have a life ranging from 3 to 5 years, but it depends a lot on the use made of them, how much the car is strained, in which conditions it is stored in the evening and much more. In any case, now you know what to try if yours has decided not to go.