Insurance is one of the most hated taxes by Italians, because it has a very high cost, which not everyone can afford to pay.

Precisely for this reason many motorists in Italy, over the last few years have chosen to do not bear this burden and putting owned vehicles in the garage, preferring to travel by public transport, even if it is not very reliable.
But be careful because there are also those who choose to drive an uninsured vehicle in the hope of never being caught and not having any problems, to save as much as possible without giving up anything.
730 what has changed compared to past years
Buying a vehicle means take care of the same at 360 degrees, therefore of the maintenance, of the cure, of the taxes required to circulate without problems and without risks.
There are those who have only one car and those who manage to keep more than one without problems and then there are also those who at a certain point in their life forced to do without itbecause on the basis of the class to which one belongs, to pay for insurance yes he even runs the risk of spending more than a thousand euros.
Although you can take advantage of hundreds of concessions, it is not easy to bear the costs of insurance.
If you want to save money, it is recommended first before entering into a contract insurance agency to take a tour online and request quotes from all insurance agencies, to find the most advantageous, or the one that offers greater guarantees at an acceptable price.
Anyway anyone for months now he wonders if it is possible to deduct the cost in 730 of the policy. Let’s try to clarify these doubts.

What can be done today
In 2023 it is possible to deduct the insurance of your vehicle in 730 but only in some cases specific. In general, therefore, in the tax return, it is not possible to request any discount on the RC Auto policy, but only some particular expenses.
The expenses for insurance policies that provide for the risk of death or permanent disability starting from 5 are included. The 19% deduction can only be calculated on a maximum policy of 530 euros in total. In the case of should be different contractsthese would be added together to then apply the foreseen deduction.
As regards life and accident insurance, they deal with contracts stipulated and/or renewed by 31 December 2000. Then follow the contracts stipulated and renewed since 2001, with the purpose of risk of death or disability from 5%.
Since 2020, however, a completely new limitation has been added. Only those with an income of 120,000 euros can take advantage of the full deduction.