Petrol, how much the State earns with excise duties: unexpected figures

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The high price of petrol has put several families and all taxpayers against the wall, because unfortunately the cost of fuel has skyrocketed.

Petrol – Motors.News

Not everyone can afford the expense linked to the fuel for which they find themselves having to choose. Following the increases, several users have chosen not to use their own cars or motor vehicles to travel for work or study.

Many choose to use public transport despite being unreliable to solve the problem quickly and save as much as possible. Then there are also those who, in order not to give up comfort and independence, prefer implement illegal tricks risking bitter consequences.

Gasoline, who gets rich as a result of rising prices

Generally it is thought that in this period to earn more are supplies and service stations. In reality, it is the State that raises the cash thanks to skyrocketing taxes and VAT. Since the cost of petrol and fuel have increased, the state has very important revenues.

The Meloni government in recent weeks has chosen to do not extend the excise cut that was decided by the Draghi government months ago, because spending in this way would have become economically unsustainable.

To date, the Italian state has collected 24 billion euros through excise duties on fuel, taking into consideration only 2021. A second extension of the 30.5 euro cent discount would have cost 10 billion euros for the whole of 2023. Practically as much as the basic income.

The choices of the Meloni government, that’s where these 10 million euros will be spent

Giorgia Meloni has declared that she has chosen to use this money for more important measures such as cutting the tax wedge, the increase of minimum pensions and the revaluation of pensions. Very hot topics.

Despite everything, today Italy is the first country for the taxation of diesel, then it is behind the Netherlands as regards the taxation of petrol. As regards diesel, in our country €0.617 is paid in taxes, while for petrol €0.728 per litre.

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All of this does not include VAT. At the beginning of January, petrol was on sale at 1.81 euros, while diesel at 1.86 euros. As for petrol, there are 0.72 cents of excise duty and 0.32 of VAT. While for diesel the excise duties are 0.61 cents and the VAT 0.31 cents.

Considering the cost of the raw material, it is €0.50 per liter for petrol and €0.77 for diesel.