Especially in the last period, following the economic crisis, many people avoid putting petrol on their vehicles, up to the reserve in order to save something since the cost of fuel has once again reached very high prices.

Many people over the last year have chosen not to use the car, for travel, limiting use only to what is strictly necessary.
For example, many go to work and to go to school, they use public transport and give up independence.
How to find it near you
Those who used to travel by car to experience the journey and the fun 100%, today don’t think about it at all. Probably precisely because the use of the car is reduced, you run the risk of being stuck out of the blue, even at home.
In this case it may be useful to know which is the closest gas station still open, and what are the prices at which fuel is sold. To do this, you don’t have to walk to the petrol pump, you just need to use your smartphone solves everything in seconds.

How to find gas stations near home
Google Maps is the first solution suitable for everyone, because today everyone has a device through which they can search for the location of shops, gas stations and so on. Just search for petrol stations directly on the app and wait for Google Maps to indicate the closest petrol stations to reach and fuel prices via the map.
At the same time, the application shows whether the petrol stations are open or closed and when they reopen, how far is the distance between the point where you are and the petrol station itself, which are the directions to follow to reach it in a short time, etc. Alternatively you can consult the yellow pages which allow you to find out which petrol stations are present in the area.
Also in this case all the information that may be useful is available of the user for free. Then there is a very famous site petrol, where it is possible to find out which are the nearest petrol stations and what are the selling prices of fuel.
To find out the info you simply need to register with your data, also in this case the service is free and is available for all mobile devices through the application. Finally, here is the mimit fuel price watch, which allows you to search for petrol stations within 10 km of your location.