Watch Lincoln Town Car Jumps off a Cliff On Dead End Street In San Francisco

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Dolores Park is located two blocks south of Mission Dolores on the western edge of the Mission District in San Francisco, California. It’s a great place to spend a day off from work, offering features such as multiple tennis courts, basketball courts, multipurpose courts, and soccer fields. Usually, this is a quiet and peaceful place, but last weekend, a white Lincoln sedan hopped down the steps of Sanchez Street on Saturday night. However, this is not the scariest part of the story.

Footage from the security camera mounted at the top of this page shows what appears to be a Lincoln Town Car approaching the Sanchez Street steps and jumping off a cliff. The fairly dramatic scene ends with the car facing the sun on its wheels. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured and even the occupants in the vehicle were unharmed. The car, however, is stolen and you can clearly see two people fleeing the scene right after the crash.

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“There was a woman pulling a man, all bloodied, and the man was wearing a full-face mask, all black, dressed in black. The woman had black, red hair, screaming at them, ‘We have three minutes until the police come! We have three minutes, hurry up!’,” Michael Perez, who lives nearby, told CBS News. “There’s another guy and there’s another guy still stuck in the car and they’re like, ‘Just leave him! Leave him!’

The San Francisco Police Department confirmed the car belonged to a man who had been hijacked. The SFPD’s robbery division is currently investigating the incident, but officers have yet to find the culprit. According to eyewitnesses, the owner of the car appeared after the accident claiming the car was his. “He said he was driving through here, they opened the door, took the guy out, he said he was shot by a gun to the head,” one man said. ABC News7.

The most incredible thing about this accident seemed to be the fact that minutes earlier, people had walked down those stairs not knowing what would happen next. We don’t even want to imagine what could have happened if the time of the crash had been different. We are glad that everyone is okay after the accident, but we really hope that the police will catch people from the car soon.