Knowing how to make petrol in the right way is very important both to guarantee you economic savings and to never have problems related to […]
Category: Info Utili
Put a piece of cork in the car door – here’s why
Many times it happens to read seemingly absurd things, but which in reality turn out to be truly brilliant. And this applies to any area […]
Have you ever noticed this hook on the petrol gun? You won’t believe your eyes
Refueling is increasingly becoming something that generates anxiety in millions of Italian motorists. This is due to rising fuel prices and an increasingly poor economic […]
Socks on the wipers, because everyone is doing it: absurd
A method as useful as it is surprising is to put socks on the wipers: why do so many do it? Let’s find out together […]
No motorist uses it, with this button you save hundreds of €
A single button can make drivers save big bucks on fuel, let’s see what we’re talking about. Save with this button – To date […]
Why do so many hang a reflective jacket on the mirror? The reason is absurd
When you break down with your car, due to any breakdown, it is very important to pull over to the side of the road and […]