It often happens that you ask to borrow or lend your car to friends, relatives or simply acquaintances. Car holder – Motori.News Before lending a […]
Category: Info Utili
Full of petrol, if you do it at this time it will cost you less: you save a lot of pennies
The high fuel price is gripping all families in Italy and around the world. Gasoline and diesel have reached excessively high costs. Save on fuel […]
Dear fuel, with the pump trick you save a lot: try it now
The expensive fuel has put hundreds of families in difficulty who suddenly during 2022, following various problems, found themselves having to choose between using public […]
Highway Code, -10 points and a 5302 euro fine if you make this mistake: they ruin you
We drive the car every day, although it is forbidden we often do it thoughtlessly, then there are those who relax by listening to music […]
you only need €1 to make them brand new again
Car tires are often underestimated and not taken care of enough because the fact that they are the only point of contact between the road […]
Open window, an instant fine of 338 euros if they catch you like this: what a blow
When driving a car you have to pay attention to every detail, because even the slightest mistake can lead to huge fines, even if only […]