Winter is upon us, with autumn we have already found ourselves having to deal with inconveniences and small daily problems getting into the car. Just think, spreading a little shaving foam on the windows would solve a widespread problem.

The rear view windows, as well as the windshields of cars, fog up frequently and easily due to the temperature range, i.e. the difference between the temperature outside and inside the passenger compartment.
This causes condensation to form on the glass. If you pay attention you notice that it also happens quite simply when we are sitting inside the vehicle and breathing. Due to the humidity that forms, the glass and rear-view windows fog up.
Shaving foam on the windows: why do it
Have the windshield totally clean, it is essential when you are driving because you need to have excellent visibility, to keep an eye on the road at all times. Generally, the windshield is cleaned using cloths, handkerchiefs or even the sleeves of t-shirts or jackets.
It shouldn’t be done because it’s not very comfortable, not very hygienic and, among other things, the result you get is not the best because very annoying halos are left that remain over time. It’s the same if you use your hands when you are in a particularly hurry. Obviously you can’t think of keeping a squeegee handy, because it’s impractical.
But there is someone who has found the remedy more than valid, it is the shaving foam that apparently it is not only useful for cleaning up the skin to keep it always fresh and soft with shaving. If used in the car, it prevents the windows from fogging up at any time. The method is very easy, you can use shaving foam both on the windshield and on the rear-view windows of cars as well as on the windows of the house.

How to use shaving foam in the car
Sprinkle a knob of shaving foam on the glass of the machine, then cover the surface with a uniform layer without exaggerating, leave the product to act for a few minutes, 5-10 minutes at the most. Then you take another clean, dry cloth which is used to eliminate the excess product. The result will be a shining glass, totally transparent and clean.
The shaving foam in this case it serves to leave a patina on the glass which is not noticeable because it is imperceptible. The trick is often used by those who wear glasses or on bathroom mirrors, which fog up as soon as the room temperature changes, even if only slightly.