Identification number on new licenses, everything has changed: we’ll explain where to find it

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The recognition number on driving licenses is in a different position than in the past: where to find it and what it is for.

recognition number on new licenses
Recognition number on new licenses –

The driving licenses are all equipped with various indications relating not only to the user’s personal data, but also to information specifically dedicated to the licence, for example for the permitted vehicle categories or any other limitations.

The approval number it is one of the most important pieces of information because it is precisely thanks to this detail that we can find out how many points we have left by calling the appropriate telephone number or by logging on to Il Portale dell’Automobilista.

In addition to this, however, the license number is required for the completion of some paperworkallowing motor vehicle operators or other bodies to trace our identity.

What is the driving license identification number used for and where is it located?

As we have anticipated, the identification number placed on the driving licenses is a harbinger of various information and we need it specifically to identify the license ownerfind out your points balance, fill in the forms and documents necessary for the rental or purchase of a car and register on the Motorist’s Portal to take advantage of all its services.

European driving license facsimile
European driving license facsimile –

We must get used to looking for this number because it is practically essential to take care of any procedure related to our car or motorcycle and we are asked for it in various situations, even for job offers. If the job we’re going to cover involves driving vehicles continuously or occasionally, we’ll have to communicate to the company, in addition to our data, also the license number.

On the new licence, defined as the European Driving License and introduced several years ago, the driving license number can be found under item 5practically next to the expiry date of the document.

Above we find in order surname, first name, date of birth, date of issue and driving license code. Below, however, here is the signature and the address of the residence, while on the left, just below the photo, the different categories or the category to which our driving license belongs.

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The identification number of the driving license is marked with the initials U1, 7 numeric characters and 1 alphabetic character used for control. Just for completeness, let’s remember what the back of the document says: we find all the categories of licenses, complete with the date of issue and expiry date.

Depending on the license we can have different dates each linked to the day in which we achieved that category. At the bottom left, however, a legend will explain all the data present in the document.

An old licence
An old driving license –

We conclude by dedicating ourselves to those who still own one old model licence: they are increasingly rare, but it is not excluded that someone may still possess one of the older models, the “paper” license which recalls the old identity card, so to speak. Here, however, we find the identification number on the same page that contains the personal data.

in the model licence MC 720 Fcirculated for a short time in 2013, the number is always found on line 5. Finally, the most recent model compared to the digital one shows it on the back, in the lower left corner.

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